Articles by Kostas Zafeiropoulos

Disastro di Tempi, la grande rabbia

28/02/2025 -  Kostas ZafeiropoulosLorenzo Ferrari

Enormi manifestazioni sono previste per oggi in tutta la Grecia in occasione dell’anniversario del grave incidente ferroviario di Tempi. Le risposte date da politica e giustizia sono ritenute insufficienti da chi scende in piazza

Sempre più spiagge accessibili per i disabili

19/08/2024 -  Kostas Zafeiropoulos Atene

Nuove attenzioni e impianti appositi facilitano l'accesso al mare per persone con disabilità o difficoltà motorie. Pressioni dal basso, nuove leggi e investimenti pubblici fanno la differenza, dai litorali mediterranei a quelli del Mar Nero

Europa: infermieri sempre più rari e contesi

26/07/2024 -  Kostas Zafeiropoulos Atene

Molti paesi europei si trovano a fare i conti con carenze di personale sanitario. In Grecia, Bulgaria e Italia il numero di infermieri è particolarmente basso: a fronte di salari bassi e condizioni di lavoro difficili, molti scelgono di trasferirsi all'estero

Femicides: the undeclared war on women in Europe

12/07/2023 -  Janine LouloudiNikos MorfoniosKostas ZafeiropoulosThanasis Troboukis

An unprecedented cross-border investigation, conducted by EDJNet with the participation of 19 newsrooms across Europe, attempts to shed light on femicides and rising violence against women at the time of the pandemic, as well as on the staggering shortage of up-to-date data on these phenomena

Digital Fortress Europe #3: dystopic surveillance

06/07/2022 -  Kostas ZafeiropoulosJanine LouloudiNikos Morfonios

Artificial intelligence and algorithms are at the heart of the EU’s new mobility-control system. High-risk automated decisions are being taken on human lives. It is an emerging multi-billion-euro unregulated market with dystopian 'smart' applications

Digital Fortress Europe #2: Trapped in a digital surveillance system

06/07/2022 -  Kostas ZafeiropoulosJanine LouloudiNikos Morfonios

The second of a series of insights into the digital aspect of the so-called 'Fortress Europe' and of existing and potential abuses: the impact of surveillance systems on vulnerable populations, money for Frontex drones, and monitoring the movement of citizens within the European area

Digital Fortress Europe #1: The ecosystem of European biometric monitoring and surveillance data

04/07/2022 -  Kostas ZafeiropoulosJanine LouloudiNikos Morfonios

The first of a series of insights into the digital aspect of the so-called 'Fortress Europe' and of existing and potential abuses: we start from a description of the main systems in use in Europe to manage the mobility of people across its borders and countries